Friday, February 21, 2025

Two Golden Rules for Buying Gold

Two Golden Rules for Buying Gold>/h2>

Rediscovering the merits of gold in times of economic crisis, many neophyte savers, and therefore little involved in the risks associated with its acquisition, have been tempted by this precious yellow metal. Today, w would like to discuss some of the golden rules that you must consider following when choosing to invest in gold. These golden rules have to be followed by those who want to invest in gold in a safe and secure way.

Rule number one: avoid banks and buy from us at below the gold rate live

It is not profitable to buy gold from banks because most banks say that is no longer their profession. They cannot easily sell physical gold and therefore avoid doing so or do not always do it properly. This complexity is due to the fact that agencies can no longer manage values. Moreover, they do not realize margins sufficiently interesting on these products compared to the time spent. And they do not buy gold either because there are no more numismatists or experts who can measure the quality of the products. In summary, selling / buying physical gold is not a profitable business model for banks. That is exactly why you should buy gold through us. We are connoisseurs in the gold trade and we sell at below the gold rate live.

Rule number two — Buy investment gold only – we have it here for you at below the gold rate live

Investment gold is a financial concept defined by the European Union. According to Directive 77/388 / EEC, investment gold can exist in three forms. It may be a bar (or ingot) or a platelet of a purity equal to or greater than 995 mils, more than 1 gram. The second possible form is a coin coined after 1800, of purity equal to or greater than 900 thousandths, having legal tender status in the country of origin and sold at a price not exceeding 80% of the value contained within the room. There is physical gold being help by private individuals like us at below the gold rate live.Those are the two golden rules for buying gold.

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