Tuesday, March 4, 2025



Many gold jewelers and traders today aren’t very sure about the difference between white and yellow gold. Is it just about the colour or there is something about quality hidden in the colour? The bottom line is that gold appears relatively soft and yellow in colour upon its extraction from the earth. Because of the lack of hardness in gold, it is a disadvantage to jewellery and this calls for an addition of an alloyed layer to harden it a little.

How White Gold is made

The production of white gold entails the addition of palladium and nickel to the gold. Other colours that are common in the circles of jewelers are pinkish caste and sometimes a green tint. Zinc or silver is also sometimes added to make the gold harder. The Karat of a golden piece also tells us how much metal alloys have been used; thus, 18K gold is approximately 75 percent pure and 25 percent coated with alloy. The 14K gold has more alloy and so are the lower grades of the metal.

Is white Gold more pure or expensive than yellow Gold?

It is tempting to think that yellow gold is more expensive than white on account of its purity levels. That is not true. White gold has always tended to be more expensive because it can’t be easily fabricated as compared to yellow gold. Good gold manufacturers across the world are judged by their abilities to alloy their jewelry using different alloys in order to achieve the qualities desired. So having carefully noted the difference, how do you choose the gold or gold piece that best suits you?
First and foremost, ask yourself what you wear most of the time. Take into consideration the colours that predominantly stuff your wardrobe and how your skin reacts to metals. Are there some metals that make your skin itch? Can your pieces be re-plated in order to make them look new? In answering the above, consider the following.

Gold Jewellery and their precentage purity

As already noted above, gold jewellery present themselves in different color forms and karats. The most commonly used colors of gold yellow and white gold. Several lines and differences can be drawn between these two types including their advantages and disadvantages. Having already created a clear distinctions between these two types of gold, we can now assess them ourselves at todays gold rate.

What’s the cost of colouring Gold jewellery?

White gold is a favourite as a result of its silver colour which yellow gold doesn’t have. Relatedly, White gold cannot be easily scratched as compared to yellow gold because of the alloys with which it is mixed. Ornaments that are frequently worn should be preferably made of white gold as it complements the color of the diamond.
On the side of allergic reactions, white gold coated with nickel can be an allergen and its colour sometimes appears to be faded. In order to give it a shiny effect, it is sometimes paired off with rhodium which easily wears off and fades. This means that you will need to re-plate it every other time it wears and loses its coloring; an exercise that might prove costly.
Yellow gold jewellery and or rings are prized for their classic colour whereas white gold fades. In addition, older gold rings are look much better than newly made ones. For that reason, yellow gold requires no re-plating and has a lower risk of allergic reactions. Have you made your mind today, contact us for your choicest gold jewellery at the current gold prices.

To buy Gold from us, use the form below to make your order/ intention




    24 Karats22 karats18 Karats14 Karats12 Karats9 KaratsOther

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