Friday, February 21, 2025


Genuine gold Sellers in Africa around the Great Lakes Region

The Great Lakes Region of Africa covers East and Central Africa spanning countries such as Kenya, DR Congo, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi amongst them – these are the hotspot for genuine gold sellers in Africa.

Most of the gold or mineral resources for that matter usually come from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Most of this gold end up in neighboring countries such as Kenya and Uganda usually for the simple fact that these are more politically stable countries.

Genuinely buying Gold from Kenya or Uganda

Many genuine gold sellers reside in these countries in Africa and there are also some unscrupulous ones around. Most sellers from Kenya and Uganda are genuine sellers and will serve you high quality product.

We also have sellers from Congo that tend to carry the gold from Congo to Uganda or Kenya: As a rule of thumb, do not buy if they are not legally residing in Uganda in order to avoid legal issues when it comes to taking your gold out (Thank me later)

A Genuine Gold Seller in Nairobi

I recommend sellers from Kenya and Uganda only and this is according to my experience with many buyers. Many buyers that I have dealt with always tell me about crooked sellers from the other countries and also the strict and never ending government paperwork.

Bulk Gold sales offers the best gold deals there is in the market. We have the best prices in the entire Africa that gets better with the higher the quantity you take. We go to as low as US$22000 per kilogram of 99.7% purity if you are willing to buy higher quantities.
To buy gold from us or from some of the trusted sellers we know (we refer you to other sellers only if we don’t have enough for you), send us a message using the contact form.

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